Collage by fxckitsmandy


80 673
are you going to remix me back
are you on
I'm on
remix me
are you on
Okay. What's up?
What's wrong?
Ah. Yea... Well, I'm on if you wanna talk or something.
Yea. Of course. Why?
Yep. I do have 7 sibling and like 6 lil cousins I usually help babysit.
Yesss. Especially when I volunteer to teach Sunday School with the 3 year olds, preschoolers, or kindergarteners.
That's what my parent would do to Marrisa.. before the incident.. but she handled us pretty well. She loved it too
Something.. happened.. and we had to take her to the hospital. After a day and a half, she got two surgeries and some stitches. The doctor said she'd be ready to come home, but then something went wrong.. and we can't even get in to see her.
I wasn't there for her... and I didn't know what was going on. She's my youngest sister, ya know? So it makes me feel responsible for everything, yet it's not. Thanks.
I'm sorry.. *hugs back* I just feel like I could've done something to prevent this from happening..
Don't cry... *hugs you a lil tighter* I know how you feel
*strokes your hair and whispers in your ear* It's okay.. Shh, it's okay.. It'll be alright..
*slowly rocks you and continues to stroke your hair* God has a plan. Trust in Him and relinquish all your troubles to Him. He will never leave, nor forsake you.
But He has a plan for you. It's so large, we could not comprehend it if we tried. You never know what He needs you for. Put your trust in Him and He will reward you greatly.
We always remember things at there worst, most vividly.
It doesn't bother me. We all have our problems, but it all works out for the greater good. If you'll permit it, I'd love to keep chatting with you till I have to be on my way.
That of you still wanna talk, I'd love to. But I gotta go at like 10
So in like an hour for me
I'm a 17 year old, red neck, sensitive yet aggressive, lost quite a few family members and friends, weird dude.
I lost my real dad, wasn't old enough to remember him. Lost my oldest brother, my cousin and her fiancΓ©e, my best friend, a few friends, my uncle, my grandma, my great grandparents, my animals... I lost a lot in those times. I only stay around because I do work around the house/yard. Everyone I love leaves or wants to get away from me. That's just part of it... Thing aren't perfect, but I have a purpose for living.
Girlfriend? πŸ˜‚ What girlfriend?
Don't cry. Thing happen... But, I'm good.
*uncovers your face and lifts your chin up* That isn't true. I'm not sad.
It takes a lot to make me sad
I've witnessed or heard about so many sad or tragic things... I'm not fazed that much by anything. That what I get..
Not really... I'm like the same way, tbh.
I have that kind of affect on people πŸ˜‰ jkjk πŸ˜‚
That's great. I love it when people can trust me and tell me anything. Really bonding moments. That's how friendships are made. Same to you, Darling.
I also have that kind of affect on people πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
I don't, tbh. Not at all. I'm just a weirdo..
But, I know so.
Tis very much true
That's what I aim for.
Tell me about it πŸ™„ People these days
*hugs you tightly* How'd you sleep?
*leans my forehead against yours* I'm sorry to hear about Ben. You need some sleep, though.
You need to try. The Lord has a plan, remember? Trust in Him. Now, try and go to sleep.
It's never too late. *picks up your chin lightly and makes you look at me* It's never too late.
Make them take a nap. Or bribe them. *smiles*
The crazier, the easier to bribe. Maybe. Don't give in to their demands... They'll cheat you outta everything.
*smiles* Exactly. They know their adorable and can get whatever they want.
Put them down for a nap then you take a nap yourself
NAP TIME! *sticks my tongue out playfully*
*laughs* But I'd just be a random stranger. I'll scare the children.
They'll eat me. Alive.
Yes. Yes they would. Those lil monsters.
That's the best environment to sleep in too... The cold.
And hide under a blanket, or ten? It's easier to sleep in hot weather.
That's fun.
Aww, that's horrible. Really horrible. No one should ever go through that. I'm sorry *hugs you*
*kisses your forehead lightly* That's sad. Have you ever tried telling someone about it?
Why not?
Ah. Okay. I sorry..
*pats your back lightly* Don't cry Darling.
*strokes your hair*
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
You may not see it now, but it's there. In the heart and the soul.
You are stronger than you think.
Nah. Not just a weak lil girl.
No you're not. Don't downgrade yourself
Hey, Darling πŸ‘‹πŸ»
Not at all! Why would you think that? You're perfect just the way you are, Darling. If anyone tells you otherwise, they jealous. They won't be worth your time. You are worth more that you think. Don't let others bring you down.
Well, that's wrong. They don't know what true beauty is or what they're talking about
*lifts your chin* Yea, I do.
But if people just say that, they stupid. They need to mean it.
Fight through this battle, because the war is yet to come. People like to see others in pain because they caused it. Don't listen to them.
I can try, but it won't help much. This is your battle, you need to win it, you only know how to.
Make them
Then just prove them wrong
*sets my hands on your shoulder and looks at you* Yes you can.
Don't let them. Kill em with kindness, make the. feel guilty for hurting you.
Everyone? Not me. Hopefully not Mason. Not Piper. Who are these 'everyone'
*smiles* Trust me, there are many more.
*plays with the bottom of your hair* There's probably more.
Maybe they're too shy to actually admit it. *smiles and nods* That's probably it, Darling.
'Cause sometimes they don't know what you'll do, or they're scared of what you'd say, or they're really shy... Sometimes people can't say what they're feeling or what the think because they don't know what's gonna happen next.
What happened last night?
Are you okay now, Darling? I know how that feels..
You sure? Put rubbing alcohol on your lip, if you have any. It'll burn but it helps.
Nose bleeds... I'm not sure what to do about that..
Katelynn always gets random nose bleeds. Idk how anyone could deal with that.
That's what they told her, but she's had them for like 12 years
*wipes away your tears* It'll be okay, Darling. Don't fret, you'll be alright.
Not exactly. That's what they do to get blood. To give blood, they put a needle in a vain in your arm and pump it into the blood stream.
You'll get use to it
*holds you and smiles* Anything you need, I'm here Darling.
Helping is what I do
*strokes your hair*
*whispers in your ear* What's wrong, Darling?
I-I... U-Ummm, thank you... *blushes*
I try. I'll always be here.
Well... you see... How's your day been?
What do you think..?
Go on...
Why do you think that... πŸ˜…πŸ€”
Don't be sorry...
Your what?
That's good... I wouldn't want you to be someone you're not. I want you to be yourself.
What are best bros for? *smiles and hugs you back*
No, that are what bras are for πŸ˜‚
Makes more sense
I wouldn't know... I never got to met my big bro, so now I'm the big bro..
I'm just here. I don't really know my job, but I'm still here. πŸ˜‚
Ya never know..
We gonna have it out in the woods, under a weeping willow tree.
Yes Ima go to yours.
I don't know yet...
Who 😱
Okay, what's the question?
No... Only about 20 hours away..
Are you saying you love me? πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
Mhmm... It's not that far away, actually. We could be farther. That's just driving, no idea how long it'll take flying
We can all go on a road trip together!
I am brother over you all. Fear me young ones πŸ˜‚
Who is this Michael person?
Okay. He can come on the road trip too πŸ˜‚
I listen to a lil of everything.. except screamo and stuff like that..
Yesssss, he can come
So, just let him come 😁
I don't.
Let's go bro! πŸ˜‚ I'd hug you just to see what he did
That would be... fun.. πŸ˜‚
And I'd be like, I just did.
And then just be like in yo face. I'm touching her.
As we get deeper... touching her... Yea I see what you mean
Oh well πŸ˜‚
or are we?
Well you never know during this generation
Idk πŸ˜‚
Wow πŸ˜‚
When I ran cross country for Buckeye, we had to wear shorts. Like short shorts. There was this one guy who kept catcalling at Marrisa. So I tried to tell him to stop and he was like I just wanted to get your attention. He pushed me up against the wall when I look over at Marrisa. Then we had this fight thing cause he tried to kiss me... Long story short, I got kicked off of the cross country team. But oh well, we only had like a week or two left of it
I looked so fab in them πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ’‹
Oh my πŸ˜‚ Why was he in your room?
When I was in band, I went to go get something in the instrument storage. I walked in on Michael King and his girlfriend... Oh. My. Gosh. She asked me if I wanted to join. I ended up dropping my instrument and haven't done band since then.
Really? πŸ˜‚
That must've been fun πŸ‘πŸ»
Oh my gosh πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
Ima tell him *hugs you tightly*
*plays with your hair* I'll tell him everything
*smiles* Hello
*playfully yanks your hair*
Nooo *catches you and spins you around* Meh hairrrrr
You'll pay for this! *laughs and pretends to drop you*
*does it again, but actually drops you*
*tumbles down and tries not to fall on you*
*stares at you and pokes your side*
*looks up at you* Watcha doing...
*sticks out my tongue*
*holds on to your hips and shakes you around*
*scrunches up my nose*
Oink Oink *pokes your nose*
*smiles and looks at you*
*rolls over and laughs*
*crosses my eyes and hides my face*
*playfully pushes you back a lil and covers my face again, laughing*
*hugs you back* Weirdo
*rocks you back and forth* I know I am
*runs my hands through your hair and laughs* Cuddly monster
'Cause when you're right here, nobody can get you. They'll have to go through me first.
Love you too, Squirt. *smiles*
*picks you up and stands up*
*flops down on the couch* Ugh. Squirt, you getting pretty big πŸ˜‚I don't think I'll be able to carry you anymore
*pats your belly* No, not at all.
*holds onto your hips* Don't fall
For what ever so? *smiles and wiggles my eyebrows*
What if I just let you fall? Hmmm...
*loosens my grip*
*loosens my grip even more and looks at you* Whatcha gonna do?
*lets go and leans forward*
*puts my hands over yours and plays with your fingers*
*sets my hands on your thighs* You really don't wanna fall... Dark green or neon orange. Why?
Sorry, I've been at the dentist with Marrisa. I feel so sorry for her. The day she gets outta the hospital she has to get 2 teeth pulled for her braces Sept. 12.
Whatcha been up to?
I can see πŸ˜‚
What? *laughs* I'm hungry
I know how ya feel.. *pats your head*
I can't get Marrisa to eat anything... She refused food at the hospital and still won't eat. I don't want either of my lil Darlings to get sick, so y'all better start eating soon.
I would... but... Michael may have a problem with that πŸ˜‚
I don't see how y'all do it. I'm a fat person I have to eat at least once or twice a day πŸ˜‚
Whatcha wanna do then? πŸ˜‚
Okay... *sits on the couch and stares at the blank tv screen*
I'm not sure... Just thinking, I guess. *slightly turns head and looks at you*
*smiles a lil* Today is so slow...
*holds onto you* Hello
*rubs your hand with my thumb*
I'm not a very good dancer...
Ugh.. fine.. *takes your hands and looks at you* You'll have to start though..
*looks down at our feet*
*slowly starts dancing*
Yea, somewhat.
*smiles and looks up*
*sets my hands on your hips* How was your day?
Pretty good *smiles*
*scrunches up my nose and kisses your forehead* It's my pleasure, Squirt.
*looks down at our feet* I'm surprised I haven't stepped on them
*looks back up at you and smiles* I maybe good, but dang girl, you're great.
*strokes your hair gently* Yep
*kisses your head* Love you too, lil sis.
Well, I usually get off here around 10 pm then go do some stuff around the house and help put my lil siblings to bed...
Sometime around 5 or 6 am, but I usually go for a 3 to 5 mile run and make breakfast for my lil siblings.
Michael and me gonna have some problems then πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜‚
I would just like gently bite your finger and throw the blank over your head, like, go to sleep πŸ™„πŸ˜
I would start poking your sides and hit you with a pillow, like, yes you can go to sleep
Then I would and whisper in your ear, singing or tell you a story.
And I'd stay up with you until you wanna sleep
I'd slowly slip out, try not to wake you and head down to the kitchen
I'd make breakfast and eat mine then bring you yours
Then I'd drink your orange juice and lay back down beside you
I'd make you eat your food
I'd watch you eat and play with your hair
I'd take the tray and bring it to the kitchen, walk back up to you and open up the curtains
Then I'd kiss your forehead and ask whatcha wanna do today
I'd lean my forehead against yours and say that we can do whatever, it doesn't matter to me.
Of course you didπŸ˜‚
Tell me about it
Yes I doooooooo
Helping with homework and making supper. Wbu?
You always bored
I feel like Ima barf...
The floor is niiiiice
as riiiiice
I wouldn't on the food... Ima eat that too.
You gotta eat!
Still, you need to EAT.
What all do you have?
Sign a lil note telling why you ate the fruit.... AND eat the fruit.
No don't work out afterwards πŸ˜‘
That's what I thought.
Lil children are so mean. But you gotta love em
Good. *smiles*
Yes. Very good.
*ruffles up your hair*
What? Is my hair so glorious you never wanna stop touching it?
*winks* That's what all the girls say
*grabs your hands* Messing meh glorious mane up?
*holds your hands over your head* Meanie.
*scrunches up my nose* Yes, really. Your cuteness does not affect meh!
Hmmm... not sure
Don't say that!
You need to eat
Thumbs up to Michael
*kisses your head and holds you* Hun, you ain't gonna get fat if you're always starving yourself. You need to eat. Listen to Michael. Don't be upset.
*strokes your hair* Your gonna be okay
*pushes you slightly away from me and wipes away your tears* Yes it will
*kisses your nose* You will be
What happened?
She needs to eat. I've been trying to tell her that for, like, the past week.
I have no control over her life. You need to step up your game, no offense, and make her. Don't take no for an answer.
Hey Squirt
*holds you and kisses your forehead* Missed ya too
You need to listen to your brother
You need to listen to Michael.
You still need to listen to him. He may not always be there for you, but he loves you.
*keeps hugging you* I love you more, lil sista
Whatever you want Squirt
*sighs playfully and picks you up* We aren't gonna sleep standing
*sets you gently on the bed and lays next to you*
*smiles and softly strokes your hair*
*pulls you down and chuckles* Okay
I gtg *kisses your forehead* Making supper again tonight...
Hey Squirt
Busy... We got church in a lil while, everyone got homework and I always gotta make food. Speaking of food... Have you ate?
About half an hour, since it takes us almost half an hour to get there. Whatcha been up to?
*looks down at you and pats your head* Spill it Green Bean
What else? *smiles and raise an eyebrow*
What else? *kisses your head*
Ask me what? Why are you scared for life? *pulls gently on your hair* Telllll meeeeeh
*stares at you intently* Hmm... Okay...
I won't.
Wow... *bites lip* Okay.
*chuckles and holds onto you* I'll try not to...
*smiles and pats your head* Hey
Whatcha been up to?
*hugs you tightly* Why is that, Pumpkin? Don't cry..
* kisses your head and gently strokes your hair* No you not..
Okie, Hun. You won't. We'll find a way..
What do you mean?
Why do you think you're gonna lose me?
Or Piper?
You're gonna lose me before you even had me. But you will always have Piper.
It's too late, Hun, you already have...
*sniffs and looks away* Don't...
Nah... it's just Justin
*hugs you tightly and rests my head on top of yours* I'm sorry
You already have a big brother. I don't, and won't, replace him. Je loves you more than you think.
You know I love you so much more than words can explain. Mason is lucky to have you as a gf. Michael is lucky to have such a great sis. Piper is lucky to have an amazing bff. I am lucky just for knowin you. I'm glad I was there for you. I'm sorry I won't always be.
*chuckles and kisses you softly* You've got plenty of love. Mason loves you so much more than I ever could. Michael loves you just as much, probably more, than Mason. Piper loves you like if she didn't she'd die. I love you like I've known you my whole life. I don't know what I'd do without y'all. I'm sorry.
Sexiest, huh? Your crazy. That's why I love you guys.
How did you guess I was on? πŸ€”
*keeps hugging you and pats your back*
*sets my chin on top of your head* Squirt
*smooths your hair out and holds you tight* I won't always be here... You know that, right?
*plays with the bottom of your hair and yanks it playfully* It's for the best...
I don't know... *closes eyes* I don't know...
*gently pushes you away and holds onto your hips* Don't cry. Well be just fine. These are mine. Mine only. Mistakes can't be erased, but can't be changed. I'm working on it...
I trust you, but I don't wanna let go. I would... but I can't. Don't you understand? Something are supposed to be kept a secret and this is one of them.
Love you too Squirt... *sighs softly* Love you too...
*kisses your head and sniffs* I'll try
You never know
I gtg Mandy... *kisses your forehead* I'll be back though.
What happened? What's wrong? Are you gonna be okay? What's your condition? Do I have to beat someone up? TELL MEH WHATEVER IS GOING ON... I can fix this... It'll all be okay. Squirt? *sniffs and looks away* Will you be okay?
Hun, don't talk like that. *hugs you tight and blinks rapidly* It'll be okay..
I'll try.. *holds you tightly and looks at the sky* I'll try..
*slowly closes eyes* I can promise anything...
I'll try. *looks down* I'll try .....
Can't talk but a minute.... What's wrong Squirt?
I have no idea.
You don't have to be sorry
It ain't your fault
*picks your chin up* Why?
Don't cry. I'm okay...
You be happy. I'm alright.
I am.
Hun, really?
How do you know that's the real me? Huh! Maybe it was just all an act. You don't know.
I miss you too...
I am happy.
I'm just dandy
I'm okay
*looks up and closes my eyes* Yea..
*sighs loudly and sits on the ground*
*lays back* Hi
I'll brb... Making supper again.
*strokes your hair* No... What's wrong?
Noooooo! I-I just saw it...
I can't loose y'all...
I love y'all too
*kisses your forehead*
*gently pats your head*
*picks you up* Having you been eating?
*raises my eyebrow playfully* What?
Ooooookay..... *sighs dramatically and trails behind you*
Sure... *smiles and still follows*
Where are we going... *gently yanks your arm and slows down* What are we doing...
Okie... *smiles and looks at you* What's your favorite flavor?
It's okie *holds onto your legs and run down to the ice cream shop*
*bounces you up and down and skids to a stop I front of the shop*
*lets go of your legs and tries to open the door*
*pats your head* Why so excited?
I'm trying to find out what's wrong... Idk...
*rolls eyes* Okay. Let's go get some.
*messes up your hair and licks my finger and smudges your makeup* Yea. It's perfect.
*pretends to trip backwards and screams* NO MY PRECIOUS
*rushes at you and playfully tackles you to the floor inside the shop* MY PRECIOUS
*kisses the end of your nose and rolls over you* I wonder if they'll still serve us ice cream...
*pulls you down* No ice cream today, I guess.
*stands up and walks to the counter* Do you want any?
Tell the person what you want. *looks down at you* I'll take a vanilla cone please.
*takes the two cones and hands the cashier $10* Here you go. *gives you one and sits down in a booth*
*looks at you all seriously and licks my cone without looking away* You're not welcome
Yes. *smashes my cone in your face and tries not to laugh*
What about it? *licks my lips and tries to reach my nose*
No! *laughs and shakes my head so ice cream will go flying*
*leans my chair back on two legs* Ya never know...
*whines playfully * I was gonna eat dat
What you said. *smiles stupidly *
*looks at the table* Ice cream....
*stares at you hard, keeping a very serious face*
*lays head down on table and hides face*
Do. Not. Want. To.
I've hurt her. It's my fault.
I shouldn't of even done anything. I should've just kept things how they were.
*sniffs* I-I-I....
I did that to her.
*buries my face deeper into my arms*
This won't change what I have done
I shouldn't of brought it up
.... Piper ....
But you didn't do anything
I. Is. Okay.
I love you too Squirt
As always *spins around in a swivel chair*
Don't laugh at meh *tries to stop and falls out of the chair*
*rolls over and faces you*
That's nice.
*scrunches up my nose and squints my eyes at you*
Ewwww... *makes a weird gurgling sound* Cooties
Nah... *tilts head and smiles* But Mason does
*keeps hugging you and gently rocks back and forth*
*kisses your head and continues to rock* Don't cry... He'll be back.. *whispers almost inaudibly* Hopefully....
*presses you into my chest and continues to rock* He will. He couldn't possible give up a great opportunity, such as yourself, for nothing.
*pats your back* Yea?
*strokes your hair* What is it Squirt?
*keeps rocking you and whispers in your ear* I'll get you when you wake. Don't worry, Hun.
*almost drops you* What!
Yea... why wouldn't it be? *looks at you confusingly*
Weirdo *laughs softly and strokes your hair*
*pulls you close to me and snuggles with chu* Better?
*smiles and slowly closes my eyes*
*starts to fall asleep and puts my arm over your stomach*
*yawns and snuggles closer up to you*
*falls asleep*
*rolls over*
*rolls around* The floor is very uncomfortable. I'm glad I was your pillow.
Bruh. I'd crush you.
*kisses your forehead and slowly slips away whispering* Night, Love ya too Squirt...
*picks you up and carries you to your own bed then lays you down*
*tries not to fall on you* Whyyyy
*wraps my arms around your stomach and rolls off the bed*
I made some breakfast burritos... Wbu?
Go eat!
You are very bad. Twas never good to begin with.
You and Piper both wee always bad. Never good to start with.
Unless it's me.
*follows closely behind you* Whaaaaat
Nope *crosses my arms*
No. But I'm not picking you up.
*watches you* What
Candy is not real food. You don't get any.
Real food.
No fast food places either!
What kind?
*slowly stalks out behind you*
What are YOU doing?
Sure I do...
*turns around*
What are YOU doing? *taps on your hands*
*starts walking* Interest
Where we going?
*turns you to the front* Lead the way.
Uuuuuuuugh *follows*
Marrisa is getting hers the 12...
So have fun with that
No you ain't. Calm down Squirt
I'll come to your funeral.
You'll be just fine.
No. You're gonna die.
Say hi to my soul when you're gone. You'll be deeply missed.
Haha πŸ˜‚
They'll take pictures then discuss what has to be done and do what they gotta do to your teeth and finally you'll get your braces in like 3 or 4 months...
No πŸ˜‚
Jk, whatever you want Squirt
The world may never know...
Okie Bunny
Anything you want, I guess πŸ˜‚
Brilliant πŸ˜‚ Idc, whatever you want...
Big Bunny? πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
That's fine. Big Bunny it is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I took Marrisa to the dentist. She has to go back the 8th and then she gets her actual braces the 12th. Her mouth is gonna hurt so bad...
Busy day. Wbu?
*pokes your head* Or do you?
Yep. Spaghetti.
Okay πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
INTRUDER! *grabs the broom* πŸ˜‚
*softly hits you with the broom* AHHHH
*laughs* Stranger. Danger.
No I don't.
Go eat!
I have no idea.
I'll come to your funeral
*flicks your nose*
*ducks and grabs you, twirling you around*
*laughs and throws you on the couch gently*
*smiles* What?
Was I ever 'okay'?
Whatcha been up to?
Not at all... I don't think I've talked to her yet today...
It's complicated.
I know. I have that affect on all the girls *playfully winks*
You know it's true.
You guess!?!?!?
*pats your head* That's what I thought.
So forceful
*smiles and looks at you*
Piper told me
It's ok
*looks down at you* What?
*tucks a strand of your hair back*
*tilts head a lil*
*chuckles and smiles back*
*gently strokes your hair*
*whispers* You fall asleep so easily..
*picks you up and wraps your legs around my waist*
*kisses your cheek and gently sets you in the bed*
Shhh... *whispers and lays you down then covers you up*
*chuckles softly and hands you your bunny* You already have your blanky
*smiles and goes sits on the couch*
*runs back in there and sits beside you, holding your face* What's wrong?
*rubs your stomach* You want some Pepdo?
Do you want to go to the hospital?
*picks you up and grabs your bunny and my keys* Ya sure, Bunny?
I did too... Have fun at church ❀️
Yea, got back a lil while ago
Fun, except Marrisa saw this new guy... He smiled at her then ended up being in her Sunday School class, they separate the classes by grades, and he sat right next to her. πŸ˜‘ Then when we went to the Big Church, where the preacher is, his family/friends, or whoever they were, sat by us. And he sat by her. πŸ˜‘ She was like, I like his hair. He has like the perfect smile, perfect teeth. He's so cute. I love his boots, wonder where he got them. All I actually know is she said his name was Levi. My new enemy.
What about you?
Philadelphia Baptist Church.
We're having a party next Sunday, so come on down.
That would be fun πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I can see that
I feel like Ima fall asleep, so if I don't message you back that's why...
You are always bored
I'm trying to sleeeeeep
Ima go take a nap. Marrisa will be on, so ya.
Ima starve to death😫
Yes I will.... UGH!
Ima drown in a bucket of grease 😫😫😫 That's where all the potatoes belong
NO! You'll get all greasy!!!
Don't cry my bunny... Don't crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry
*pushes you away from me and forces you to look at me* Mandy. What. Is. Wrong?
Tell me.
... What-Who are you talking about?
What movie?
That movie is so stupid
Yes. Yes it is.
It's still a stupid movie.
What's wrong with it?
What about a baby? πŸ˜‘
She not eating again?
I have a lot on my plate right now.
I gtg in a few... but sure
What are you doing in the hospital?
No. Why are you in the hospital?
Go on...
What have I told you!
MANDY! What have I told you?!?!
Bunny! What are you saying?
Don't you dare talk like that.
Stop. Just stop it. Now.
I can't tell you everything. Somethings you need to figure out on your own.
Quit talking like that right now.
You know you're so beautiful and kind hearted. You never wanna hurt anyone and if they cry you cry with them. I love you to death and I would die for you. You don't see yourself as much, but I see you like you were the world. You try so hard even though it may not turn out right.
Sorry I can't do more right now... I'm like wrists deep in paint
Yes you are
Mandy, I'm not gonna argue with you. Either you believe it or not.
I'm not gonna explain myself to you. A lot of people see this in you and of your can't see it, then, well, too bad. We all have are reasons for it.
And why is that?
Mandy Bunny Squirt. Why?
I AM NOT EXPLAINING MYSELF. Dang it Mandy! You need to get a hold to this. I'm not trying to be rude, but stop. Right now. I have my reasons. So just knock it off.
I love you too...
Ima bought to leave
Block party
for church
About to make some pizza
We're making homemade pizza and root beer floats
Mandy, we are not gonna do this again.
There ain't nothin wrong
There. Isn't. Anything. Wrong.
Love ya too
Hello.. Mandy?
How are you?
Eh.. Sad.. Why are you mad? Do I need to beat someone up? I will πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‘
Yea, but I haven't talked to him in like 2 months. He just disappeared... I feel ya. People these days...
No, I love in Georgia but Ima be visiting him soon... Idk why he just shuts people out.
I can text him and see if he'll talk to you... but he hasn't answered my texts so idk ..
How do you know he hates you?
How do you know he hates you?
Ahh.. would you like to talk about something else?
I'm not very good at speeches or whatever, but it's not good to hold anger. If someone has done you wrong or you them, forgive and forget. Or all of that could build up and cause a lot of problems. Take it from me... You do not want to be in that situation. It's not a very friendly place.
... Brother?
That's nice
It's like y'all are so close and everything y'all already siblings. I use to have friends like that...
I sorry. I had one and... let's just say he's in a better place...
For real, tell me about it. Like, what is wrong with guys in this generation?
Yep. This world is coming to an end, and fast.
I'm the one that usually replies with something like 'Go suck a big toe and leave me outta it'
Brandon, I'm pretty sure. OMGOSH 😱 I feel so bad... You're not bugging meπŸ˜‚ It's good to talk to another girl who understands thingsπŸ”₯ Thanks for the chat.
Well I'm here if you ever want to talkπŸ’™
Anything for a friend
Sorry Baby.. My internet has been down and I'm at a friends house.
Love you
I'm not sure, but I'll ask...
I'm busy...
Sorry. But I've just been busy.
Miss you too
I don't have much people to talk to and we're moving so... yea..
Yea? What's wrong.
What happened?
No. I will not.
Bunny, God's got a plan for you. Hold on strong. Don't give into temptation. *starts to tear up and looks away* I love you.
*lets a tear fall on your head* Find your strength. Find it and keep it.
*holds you hand* It's gonna be okay Bunny. It's gonna be okay.
Love you too. *smiles weakly * Happy Thanksgiving
Whatcha wanna do?
What do you mean? *sits down and pulls you on my lap*
Don't listen to my sister. She's a weirdo. I want you happy.
Don't cry! I am happy. Please...
I am. I promise. *kisses your forehead* I am. Bunny.
Mandy. Would I lie to you? *looks down at you*
idk... I had a lot to get done.
I missed you too
I rather you happy. For me, just be happy. Feel loved. *kisses your cheeks* Even if it isn't from me. Just promise me you'll be happy, okie? I love you.
Love you more. Hey, I gtg. Ttyl ❀️
I'll try.
Don't cry
Nothing's up.
What do you... want? .... from me? What do you wanna do? How have you been? Where do you wanna go? It's up to you, Mandy.
*kisses your forehead and plays with your hair*
*holds you close and gently strokes your hair* We can try, Bunny, but I don't know... We can try.
Okay *hums gently in your ear*
Well, duh. The only way your gonna sleep. *playfully rolls eyes and starts rubbing your hand*
*picks you up and carries you to your bed* Your lil stuffed Bunny? Is that what I AM to you? *chuckles and lays beside you *
Shhh.. *smiles and closes eyes*
*whispers in your ear before drifting off to sleep* Mr. Grinch
*smiles* I'm okay
*rubs your hand* Bunnnny
Yea I'm at church...
Merry Christmas Bunny *kisses your cheek*
I missed you too *pats your head*
*puts my arms around your waist* How's life? You and Mason still dating?
*smiles* Hellooo
What's wrong Bunny?
Bunnny...? *picks you up bridal style* What happened?
*kisses your forehead and holds you closer* Is it someone? Bunny...
You belong in my arms, in my heart, and on my shoulder. Don't do this Mandy. I love you. *sets you down*
*picks you back up and kisses* Anything you want Bunny. You're worth more than gold, ya lil monster.
What dog? *holds you up*
No.. *tilts head curiously*
What? *loos at you* You sure there was a dog?
Okay Bunny. Wanna go looking for it? *smiles down at chu*
Okay, but I'll have to let you down..
*kisses your forehead and gently sets you down* What does the dog look like?
Hmmm... okay.. *walks to the living room* >I'll be back later, were fixing up the new house, okay?<
Oh! Good you found him. *smiles and looks over at you* Uh, yeah.. we're moving so I'm helping fix the house up be for we actually start living there..
*scratches behind his ear* Yeah
*picks both you and the dog up and carry you to your room* Sleepy Head
*lays you in your bed and curls up next to you*
Good night. Love you too *strokes your cheek gently and rubs your hand*
Okie, love you.
How are you?
Aww, what's wrong? *strokes your hair*
Poor Baby
Sure *rubs your hand*
*stares at the ground still rubbing your hand*
What do you mean? *doesn't stop or look up*
Omg! Honey are you ok?
You are not letting anyone down! and also I have never told anyone this but I might have breast cancer. I will be here for you if you need some one to talk to.
u on
guys its mandy!my phone got taken away can someone please tell
please tell Mason for me and piper i lovemy twinnie and prince ily too im so sorry