Hey inspirations! What do you guys think?! I love it!! (My Quote) 

Please give credit! โ˜บ 

Tags: Piccollage collage quote travel adventure girl not stickers or PConly but love heart train stars Leila101 dream


Hey inspirations! What do you guys think?! I love it!! (My Quote) Please give credit! โ˜บ Tags: Piccollage collage quote travel adventure girl not stickers or PConly but love heart train stars Leila101 dream

586 76
I want to be first to comment for some reason! Lol
I love it!!
plz follow me!!
I saw your comment and I understand.... I'm not mad anymore. I got over and I got to upgrade PC FINALLY!!! So I blocked her. Anyway hope you will forgive me...I feel bad of what I did. Hope we can be friends???
Hey Lelia! If you remember a while back before you were on the popular page, we use to chat to each other a lot and like each other's collages. If you don't remember that's ok but it was nice being friends with you across PicCollage! Now I'm on the popular page too and I'm very exited! Love your work! ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‡
hey bestie I'm back!
hey! I don't know if you remember me anymore but it's hipster_owl! remember I stopped posting๐Ÿ˜“well I missed our talks and idk if you see this but..anyway please reply xxxxxx
hello, if your still up for it I would love to interview you
if you are are I have 5 questions:1-how did you get started on PC? 2- What inspires you to make your collages? 3- What do you think is the best part about being on PC? 4-If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? 5- any advice to people who are just starting out on PC? Thank You if you decide to answer! It is much appreciated and the final collage should be up by 2/6!
please enter my contest
sorry what? I didn't ask for that? xx
This is delightful!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™Œ
you are loved by a lot of followers
could u pls follow my acc soph_on_pc and xx_pastel_photographer_xx? this is our collab acc
love it!
Your collages are actually GOALS! You are one of my idols! ๐Ÿ˜˜ Thank you so much for following me!
absolutely L-O-V-E love it
thus is a feature for sure๐Ÿ’–