Studio Pets Campaign


Studio Pets Campaign

252 11
hey Prisillay! I made an account @whatsonyourmind a while back for everyone to log onto and post on and someone took advantage of this and changed the password and is posting so lewd and disturbing photos and messages and threatening to hack other people. if there is any way you could stop them from accessing the account or swim thing that would be great but I don't know if that is possible. if it isn't can you please delete the account as painful as it is? there's some pretty gross stuff there that shouldn't be seen by anyone
hi it's me jfdsoccer!!!!! and I am still soooo happy from when you gave me a feature!!!❤️ it literally meant the world to me! and I haven't been on piccollage a lot, but I recently posted a few. do you think you could take a quick peep at my account? thx!!!!!!! love you account!😍
omg!!!!! you are sooo pretty !!💕
hey!! i was just wondering how often collages will be featured from your contest? there's a few that i'd really love to see featured!! 💕
that's so cute I love ❤️ cats 🐱 do u?
Hey Priscilla ! How are you ? My friends lex991 was put on the pop page a few years ago and hasn't got a feature in about 1 year. I was wondering if you might be able to feature just one of her collages ? I think this would mean so much to her... I feel like she is super talented but she goes unnoticed half of the time 💕 I totally understand that you may not be able to do this and you don't have to ;) I feel like I ask you way too many favours so I'm here if you ever need one or two 😉 xxxxx
hey priscilla!! so one of my many entries into your november contest 😂😝 is showing up in the featured feed, but i never got a notification for the this a glitch or did i really get featured!! (i'm really hoping the second one 😂)
omg thank you so much for the feature this means the world!! 💕💕😭😭
can I have a feature? this sounds crazy but I work SUPER SUPER hard on pic collage and I want to be noticed by pic collage :) I love your account and LatteBunnys and so many more and you inspire me so much💞💞
if you can, could you maybe check out me account? I try so hard and love pic collage so much :) xoxo -TRANQUIL-
hello!! could you please put my contest on the contests page? thanks💖
Some people say that they wear lots of makeup to hide there ugliness😠You beautiful just the way you are❤️just know that some people have HATEPAGEs I had one once we battled it and it was deleted😀Don't worry about you having a HATEPAGE😝Just know your wonderful
Hello! I would really enjoy it if you could come like my recent post! I will do a trade; if you come like my recent, I will give you a spam! Thank You! ~rose333
that is so cute you really are an inspiration
I love French bulldogs!
I love that cat picture it is so cute and adorable