fro-yo(sorbet) SO GOOD<3 !!! fun night hru guys??? summers almost overrrrrr grrrrrr :((


fro-yo(sorbet) SO GOOD<3 !!! fun night hru guys??? summers almost overrrrrr grrrrrr :((

26 0
I’m so busy with school but I’m good :) you ??
oof sorry !! u play volleyball ? that’s so cool aah I love volleyball. what position do you play ?
ohh I gotcha. well I don’t play on a team but my youth group likes to play so that’s where I play. and thank you !!
haha it’s okay u can rant anytime u want :) and yeah I see where you’re coming from. honestly I’ve always wanted to be on a team but I like playing for fun too.
Yes I LOVE sorbet, especially with extra berries on top!