welcome! ;)


welcome! ;)

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Kate does 10 back handsprings and smiles “HELLO SKOOOL”
Cayden bumps into Kate. "Apologies."
“oOf” Kate falls over.
Cayden offered a hand to help her up. "I'm Cayden."
“I’m Kate.” she says not taking his hand she dust herself off.
Willa floated into the school, “HULLO??” she said loudly.
"Nice to meet you," Cayden said. // "HULLOOOOOO." Hadley said to Willa.
(yeet yeet)
“Noice to meet you too?” Kate says doing a hand stand.
Tommy runs into the school his arms raised. “WELCOME MY COMPATRIOTS” he yells, jumping on top of a table.
Willa hears Tommy, “WELCOME MY COMPETITORS!” she laughed.
Chloe walks in peacefully
Willa levitated around, and tries to explore the school.
Tommy laughs and whips wildly on top of the table, almost slipping.
celesta walked in, flying using her wind powers. she zipped Through the halls and looked around for other h00mans
derek walks into the school, smiling at all of the chaos.
lexie walks in through the commotion and sits in an easy chair in the lobby.
Chloe looks at everyone and than tugs on Kate’s arm “Katie stop where are your Manners?”