Collage by theShiPgames


3 15
Ceci was pumped. Not for the date, but for the escape room. She waited impatiently outside of the escape room building.
Elliot rushes to the escape room. “Sorry I’m late, I had some problems getting here....”
(hey My time zone is kind of messed up cause I’m traveling so there might be few delays...)
Ceci smiled. “Oh.. that’s okay! Umm... are you okay?” she asked.
it’s all good
Elliot smiles, “Yeah, I just forgot to do something. Ready to go?”
“Heck yeah,” Ceci says. She walks into the place and a lady explains what to do etc etc.
Elliot quickly checks how much money he has so he can pay for whatever fees. He walks over to Ceci. “Sorry.... I didn’t really catch your name. I’m Elliot.” He sticks out his hand.
Ceci shakes his hand. “I’m Ceci. I’m glad this hasn’t been awkward or anything....”. Ceci recalls when the teachers told her that she was going on a DATE LIKE WOAHHH.
Elliot laughs and shakes his head. “ Well I’m socially awkward as is but I try. Haha.” He leads them both in the escape room. “I’m just here for some fun and to get to know some kids in this weird school.”
Ceci laughs. “Same”. The escape room people locked them in the room. They had 60 minutes to get out. “You rEaDY?”
“Oh I’m READYYYYY we are going to set a world record with this attitude!!” Elliot challenges.
“Okay lets do it!” Ellie says excitedly. “Let’s look for some cluessss.”
Elliot starts rummaging through items and feeling the walls.
lol no biggie.