tHe WoRlD gOeS oN aNoThEr DaY aNoTHER dRaMa DrAmA 
bUT nOt FoR mE nOt FoR mE aLl I tHiNk AbOuT iS dRaMa
Argh I hate this-dRaMa queens just stop stirring up these kinda things and leave the cat lady ALONE (me) I swear I can’t get any peace wherever I go


tHe WoRlD gOeS oN aNoThEr DaY aNoTHER dRaMa DrAmA bUT nOt FoR mE nOt FoR mE aLl I tHiNk AbOuT iS dRaMa Argh I hate this-dRaMa queens just stop stirring up these kinda things and leave the cat lady ALONE (me) I swear I can’t get any peace wherever I go

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who’s going at you now??! It’s not that stopthehate_ person still right??
smhh there’s so much drama going around -_-
it always happens to the best people I’m sorry 💗💗
@caption YAS GIRLLLL
@caption ”kArMa” argh I hate autocorrect
yes exactly... so sorry. DX
^reads last few posts^ UgH tHiS sUcKs
definitely! ur tough and honest and one ignorant person’s opinion shouldn’t dictate whether that’s true or not
I’m so tired of PC not acting faster/at all about drama and hategpages, it’s so annoying.
oh no, this sucks, I hope this stops soon and that they realise you are innocent
lol haha oops
I don't think you mean it 😭
why have you been posting this shīt? seriously, you are only aggravating people by posting these past few collages->
hey, come check out the contest results! smh they’re in remixes because I didn’t wanna post for some reason but yeahhh
I’m so lost can u elaborate?
I recently checked her page out again and after this happened and now I don’t know what exactly is going on because I asked for identity and she didn’t tell me
I’ve seen so many accounts over there years flip out when someone accuses them of something. it’s best to just lay low, and respond calmly to people. all I’m saying is that posting shīt like this^ makes people even more upset.
it’s just making everything worse (in my opinion)
sure, ok.👌
don’t listen to them. these hatepage accounts just want to get under your skin. your collages are amazing, I love your account! Don’t let it get to you ❤️❤️
^^(my opinion don’t flipping come after me) I disagree. I think it’s a bad idea to law low because then more and more ppl will start to believe it’s u and if u lay low long enough, eventually you followers and ppl who look up to you will believe it too. Don’t take it lying down. Stand up for yourself and be the queen that you are 👑💜
Ya, thanks for reminding me to give credits, I keep forgetting
definitely!! Just don’t let it get to the point where it’s too over the top :) otherwise make sure their wigs are snatched!!! xx
Thanks, your account is great too ❤️❤️
YASS 👏👏 I cant stand some ppl, like, do they just have nothing else to do???
(ignore my profile pic changing, I’m experimenting 😂)
hey 💗
and I am weird cause cardi b I couldn’t even think about a celebrity even though I know 1000 of them
and I was really busy
btw I had a good summer 🤣😁😊
did you had a good SuMmEr
Yasss, I didn't think many people would realize where my username came from.
yasss LWYMMD 😂♥️