Tagged by @Naive_Lilacs!! Sorry this took so long *guilty*😬 Stay strong everyone❤️


Tagged by @Naive_Lilacs!! Sorry this took so long *guilty*😬 Stay strong everyone❤️

56 3
yo, don’t feel guilty👍🏻
I used to run cross country and track so back then 5k's were easy but now that I haven't been running that much, they're a bit of a challenge. 😂 We'll see if I make it through the whole thing this time. 😂
gorgeous ❤️
i need helppp
bahaha its ok
loll, yeahahahahaha butttt im like that one girl whos not good at talking to her cryshhh😅😅
no i like ur advice🧡
aha thanks 💖😁hru? it's been agessss😂😂
that’s what I have to do but sometimes I just get so sidetracked 😂😂🙈
omg saaammee
my phone is too old lol