Thank you daisy_face for the quote!  Xx


Thank you daisy_face for the quote! Xx

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hmm well I would probably forget to remind my team tbh😂could you pick someone else? thx lol🤗✨💞😂😁
love this! so happy ur back:)
hey bb
oh I love this!😍
hey! I ❤️ your collages. wanna be friends? 🔥✨
I’m Zarah. and np 💖
hey you wanna be friends?🤪 it would be cool to get to know ya👌🏼
hahahaha YAYYY thank you, but that’s SO far away, a whole YEAR AWAY NOOO !! 😂😂💕 can’t wait, I’d enter your games, but I’m really busy with school that I don’t think I could fit them in! sorry gorgeous! xx 😘
that’s okay lol😂
hey ya wanna collab!!?!?!?! would be so fun!🙌🏼
also the message I sent you( scroll up) did you ever respond to that, if you wanted to be my friend?
and just so you know if we collab we can remix back and forth so that we can both do the text and combine our talents😊 and style! wouldn’t that be fun!?!?!!!🤪
hey I saw that you needed some help finding a new icon so I went and got some pics you could used if you like them😊
aw your welcome!!!!! I’m so happy to hear that you have no idea! so glad we are friends! and yeah I’m always here for you!!!💗😉❤️
YES YES YES let’s do it rn!
maybe like the password can be POSITIVE
and the name of the account can also be -POSITIVE-
or like -positive_sunshine-
somethings with positive haha😂
ah! idk! I think we should do ppl that don’t have like a BUNCH of followers
definitely my bff -redroses-❤️