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ily CC, and I hope we can talk more soon! your collages are stunning.
The spiciest of meatballs. CC stands for Cool Cat. Need I say more?
cc stands for carpet cleaner
conditioning conditioner
creative comrade
cabbage candy
CC ahhhh I know we don’t talk much but you’re really really really cool and ily
ahh I love some good’ol cabbage candy👌
you were always there for me when I needed to simply rant or just needed a fwend so ily bro🥺✊
ccccccccc. i miss u. rping has been great with u🥰
cc wow it’s been a while. you were literally one of the reasons of why I got into kpop lol and i’m so glad for that. your so stunning, drop dead gorgeous and always here for us. your humor is so funny, literally when i read the chat and what you wrote i’m always laughing. you make my day brighter, thank you for that. ily