He's faces is funny


He's faces is funny

9 1
he is the best president we have ever had
no he is going a round he is not cool😂
yeah but the teachers w/ guns have the power to shoot kids too, but normally school shooters target people and if they knew teachers had guns...well...
why are you on my page bro get off my page😤😤
President Donald Trump is getting Americans jobs and giving them the chance to live the American Dream. He is trying to protect our borders. He wants to make sure every immigrant goes through the immigration process and gets in the country safely. He getting America out of the dumps that we suffered a few years ago. Now I don’t care if you retaliate but please don’t post anything political on PicCollage because you may start a riot.
and the pic is a bit funny.
ok ok
Thx for following me
ok he's trying to keep us safe but the wall is also bad because some ppl don't go though all the stuff because they don't have time there trying to save there family's lives
why he bad