Collab with...
the unbelievably talented and incredibly kind...
I did the text and she found the gorgeous background and quote!😁
She is an amazing collager and deserves so many more followers so go check out her account right now and hit


Collab with... the unbelievably talented and incredibly kind... @FadedCrescent!πŸŒ™ I did the text and she found the gorgeous background and quote!😁 She is an amazing collager and deserves so many more followers so go check out her account right now and hit

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@caption continued...// follow button!❀️
WOOOOW this is amazing!!!!!
hey could we collab? I could Doyle pic and you could do the text? (your waaaaaay better than me at itπŸ˜‚) if you don't want to I totally understand:)
do the*
thank you for the feedback!
it's been amazing actually πŸ˜‚πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’“
what about you? how's it been?
Yay I'm so glad we've both been so good haha!πŸ’–Yes same here. I feel like a haven't posted an actual collage in ages.
wow this is amazing hey if I give u credit can I put some of ur posts on my account?
u don't have to say yes
I would love to be friends!πŸ˜‹πŸ‘βœ¨ hopefully I will be able to make collages as amazing as urs!πŸ’—
ok, fifiπŸ˜‚see what I did thereπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚
thank you so much!
Check out my caption on our collabπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Ahah thanks! πŸ’•
Absolutely LOVELY!
I adore your account!! Its so pretty!