i hate the fûcking news. my dad watches fox news and whenever he turns it on i want to kill myself :)))


i hate the fûcking news. my dad watches fox news and whenever he turns it on i want to kill myself :)))

23 0
I don’t like to watch the news either but if I do I like fox better lol ... it’s just so depressing and boring and idk I just don’t enjoy hearing about all the things going wrong in the world ...
yeah I hate the news too 😭
ahhh I just bought CoFA today! I'm reading clockwork angel right now. are you reading in publication order?
“a billion people died on the news tonight, but not so many cried at the terrible sight” - the news by jack Johnson 10/10 recommend that song
oh hahaha I gotcha
oh no friend please don't do that
but my roommate is the same way, the news and politics make her really anxious