okay i’m kinda freaking out bc i’m trying to waive out of AP LIT into American LIT for next year bc i’m taking an on level LIT class rn, so if i took AP next year, i’d be skipping the Honors class, also i’m not smart and i stress about that stuff easily (


okay i’m kinda freaking out bc i’m trying to waive out of AP LIT into American LIT for next year bc i’m taking an on level LIT class rn, so if i took AP next year, i’d be skipping the Honors class, also i’m not smart and i stress about that stuff easily (

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okay i’m kinda freaking out bc i’m trying to waive out of AP LIT into American LIT for next year bc i’m taking an on level LIT class rn, so if i took AP next year, i’d be skipping the Honors class, also i’m not smart and i stress about that stuff easily (hence chemistry will be the deäth of me). i asked the counselor for a waiver form and she said it was online on my something account but i didn’t hear her so i was going to ask again but she went in her room and closed the door on me????
tbh weed isn't that amazing, I suppose if you smoke much more than I did (I smoked two joints) it would be more of a high but I feel just as high taking too much anxiety medication that's intense like gabapentin. it's not crazy worth it but I had fun and I was pretty silly and laughy and Tristin was very amused by my antics
i coughed a lot and he called me a baby 😂😂