Collage by Baby_moos


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I am so sorry about this stay strong! We are here for you♡♡
i’m so sorry you had to go through all this! like rebekah_luna said, stay strong and we’re here for you! 💕
I’m here for you! if you need anything let me know x
it's so dreadfully awful that you've had to experience that. i'm so sorry, you seem like such a sweet person. you are also one heck of a person for surviving all of that!
like what coolava3 said your one heck of a person to service those insanely hard things
also god chooses the tough ppl to experience these things bec he knows that you will grow from this
thanks for all ur support
I was really worried about what people would think and say
I’m so sorry about ur mom 😢even in ur hardships u need to keep going 🫶🏻