Collage by lavender-xtras


17 4
what kinda theme are we goin for??
Idk, what are some things we both like?
Or what are some things you like and we can see what we have In common
hmm we could do smth cottage core, dark academia, rly anything tbh
I haven’t done a lot of preppy or weirdcore but other than that I think I’ve tried everything 🤔
I’m open to tryin smth new too!
Oooo I have only ever done one weirdcore collage and I would love to try it again!
Plus I have done a million preppy collages lol
Do you wanna do the text or bg to start
I’ll do the text if that’s alr!
Ok perfect! I'll start on the bg when I get a chance
sorry it took me so long life’s been busy haha
lmk what you think!!
hey, just checking in! hru??
have you gotten a chance to look at the collage? it’s completely fine if you haven’t life can pretty busy sometimes lol
I’d know all abt that
Omg hi!! So sorry I've been kinda overwhelmed with school rn but I just saw the collage and I LOVE IT!!
Lmk when you want to post it and I will!