I hope atleast someone cares about me 😳


I hope atleast someone cares about me 😳

17 0
why isn’t my life over already
when I was so “popular” on this app as soon as I posted something it would have a like it’s been 7 minutes and no likes expect for mine y’all are different than I thought 🙄🙄
well we will miss you but acting out won’t help
awww hon i’ll miss you so much :( i’ve looked up to you for inspiration for so so so long so i hope you continue to make art in some way. but i completely understand!! your mental health comes first and we love you so so so muchhh 💞💞 wishing you all the best!!!
OMG OMG OMG NUUUUUU ROSIE PLEASE SONT I SWEAR IM GONNA CRY IF YOU DO PLS I CARE LOTS ABT YOU UR LIKE OME OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS ON PC PLS DONT LEAVE! IM GONNA MISS YOU SM! but I get ig...after all your mental health comes first I hope u feel better...I do get how u feel ^
what? I don’t exactly understand. Is someone being mean or rude to you Rosie?
because I don’t understand what’s going on
if you need to go, I totally understand, but why are you talking like that?
I’m concerned for you, that’s why I’m asking
awh rosieeee :( i hope ur okay 💛
I too am concerned
rosieee imma miss you so much! wish you the best and hope you’re doing ok😭
we care
ur acting like ur the most famous person on earth. Hardly anyone knows you