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Emma is a beautiful, kind , and amazing.😊
I know that's not how you play your little game, but I think I like my way better. You know?😁
I'm sorry but these scare me my name is Teresa Filidago you have to post this on 20 pictures if you don't I will sleep with you forever. someone didn't and appear toy 29 days later her mom died.
Ok! So Emma Is Sweet Nice Kind Beautiful! And Much More Thn Ur Ever Be
Emma is stupid and her edits suck
Emma is caring, kind, and fantastic!
just sayin I have seen u comment swear word to ppl, if u were rly me u wouldn't do that bc I don't swear, EVER
don't hate on emma hate on me instead because you are not Liz and she clearly confirmed on her main and on her
ph really sorry sweetie its the other way around
ur a kanjel
So what if I'm dumb? Like I said, please go die in a hole. I do have 'Blonde Moments', but everyone else does as well... And exactly how are you supposed to "kill" Emma and I? We live on opposite sides of the Earth, and I'm sure you don't live near us as well. One more thing, if you mean 'Delete our accounts' that's not happening. Just saying.
Seriously you can go die.
Many people love me. 186 people care enough about me. Oh and how many people love you? None. SHOCKING.😐
we love emma so U can screenshot this and send it to her she is our bestie and everyone lives her she did nothing wrong to you so U need to hush
Ok listen up. You gotta stop being mean. Like honestly what your doing is cyber bullying and it's not right. I'm not gonna stand by idly and be hurt. I will stand up for my self. If this account isn't deleted by tomorrow night there will be consequences. I'm not joking I will be emails pic Collage, reporting all your collages and blocking you. Time is running out so either change this account or delete. I mean it, I'm not some little girl who doesn't stand up for herself. Stop cyber harassing me and Caroline now. I mean it.
You can't call me swear words, call someone ugly and dumb and make hate pages. I hope you understand what your doing is wrong. If you don't then get yourself some help mate because your a terrible person. Leave me and Caroline alone.
that is so wrong ok I might also block you bc you hate people make me sick ok Emma almost harmed herself after what u did ok you never know she might have just pulled the trigger and not be here with us rn ok so plz stop I am a girl who will stand up for my friends ok I'm not going to sit back and watch it happen
You seriously just said the same things you said last time... nice thinking.
As long as I think I'm beautiful, I'm happy.
Thanks for the followers💁🏼
Thank you everyone for the support💖💓♥️
I hate that u hate her