please take time to read this⬇️
Lately, I haven’t had much time to be on piccollage. Right now some simple collages are all I can really do, like this one, but on the weekend I’ll try to post complex edits. Sorry😪
Comment🐼 if you read this whole thing


please take time to read this⬇️ Lately, I haven’t had much time to be on piccollage. Right now some simple collages are all I can really do, like this one, but on the weekend I’ll try to post complex edits. Sorry😪 Comment🐼 if you read this whole thing

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@caption argh schoolwork
this is AMAZING🐼
🐼 this is so good! love your collages
love this 🐼🐼
Don't worry about it 🐼
🐼 this is gorgeous!! ❤️
🐼Beautiful! ♥️
🐼 pander
this is so so beautiful 🐼
panda 🐼
pretty! 🐼
🐼 lol u don’t have to apologize, most of us are in school so we know how it is 💕
I wish it is...
*in a foreign place*
beautiful and unique