Song is Paper Doll by Bea Miller 
I sang this song at a open mike last night and I made two people cry =) (that’s a good thing😂) yay! Hope ur smiling =D


Tap! Song is Paper Doll by Bea Miller I sang this song at a open mike last night and I made two people cry =) (that’s a good thing😂) yay! Hope ur smiling =D

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love this!! and good job on singing it ✌🏼
Aww wow that's so cool🙌
i wish i could sing ;(
I love this! that's awesome good job
wowueeee love this smmm :0
(-.^ * . * ^.-)
I wish I could sing that great :” I will NVr know cuz I don’t have the confidence 😂
HEY GUYS JOIN @TheSelectionGame And make sure to tell on the form KAT2 told you.
yeah.. thanks 😊😊
np and um...no not really lma^o
this is so cool
OMG 😯 you are soo talented! amazing at collages, drawing, writing, singing and SOOO MUCH MORE!!!!! 😱😱😱😍😍😍
maybe what?
oh ok 😔 it’s your story tho sooo ok 👌 I respect your decision 🤩
Thanks for the likes.
YES! Thank you!!
It was a little crazy this semester but made it!!! THANKFULLY!
love this collage it’s really beautiful!!!
no problem hedge you’re the best!
thank you so much 😊
this is so good! and I bet your voice was amazing
whoa you must sing good!! me singing: DOOOOESSA IT MAKKEKKWKWKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA *16 people die
u make the some of the most amazing collabs, bow! check my page (I suck)
hi. I wasn’t “being mean” to your friend. I, too, am a supporter of peace and happiness on pc, but your friend was making that harder. she was criticizing my friend because she stood up to her bully. what is wrong with that ? I told your friend that she should think before she types so something like this won’t happen again. all the love. -Audrey 💘
what’s app?
Such a beautiful post!🐨💛🌻