💦Collab with bluewatersforever🐳🌊my ocean buddy💦She found the background and I did the text💙Sorry for the inactivity😔School is nearly over and the summer holidays are so near now😊💙


💦Collab with bluewatersforever🐳🌊my ocean buddy💦She found the background and I did the text💙Sorry for the inactivity😔School is nearly over and the summer holidays are so near now😊💙

140 1
amazing collab! @caption: your not out of school yet? that's awful!'
stunning Emily! 💗😍
YAYAYAY😂im Abby ! I gather your name is Emily? (NOT stalking ya lol I promise ^^)😂
this is beautiful I love it
oh wow!❤️
do you go back to school late? or do you just have a really short summer?😂
tysm! this is soooo beautiful! 😻😻😻
yeah it is, but no one calls me that except my elderly piano teacher who just can't remember that I prefer Abby 😂💓
that's nice that you have breaks through the year though! doing it all straight is a pain!😂
aww thank ya 💜🌻
Thank you!💞💞✨🍃
yeah :)
what's your fav food ? random o know 😂
*I lol i swear my fingers r too big for my phone
Thanks! I am so sorry I posted it really late!💕💕
hey can we collab?
hehe ty for putting me in your bio💞☺️
OMG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I'm freaking out Em!! But really it's YOU who should be on it lol!! xx 😭😭😭😭💞😘😘🌿🌻
hey Emmi I'm picture--perfect
Tysm for your support, you're a true angel!! 😂😂💞👏🏼👏🏼🌿😘😘
well it's a new account as the other was hacked
your style is gorgeous OMGGGGG
Awwwwh thanks again bestie! 🙌🏼 So how are you? xx 🌻🌊
✨s t u n n i n g✨
WOW THIS IS ~B E A U T I F U L~ u r sooo talented! I followed u a while ago but kinda forgot about it and I just looked at your acc and was like W O W!!! this is a rly good collage 10/10!!! ||xxx-m||
Yass!! 'this is goals! legit goals!! could you recreate it in my games? I know it's annoying. ugh. another ad!! but please. I need help and a shoutout or you entering would be like 😍😍😍 you get me ahaha. please consider it. it would be fun❤️
wow totally amazed at this , fabulous💖🌹🎉