Bye bye


Bye bye

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oh nooooo😭🥺 but whatever happens, i hope all is well and peaceful for u. remember we love and will miss u
noooooo :( I’ll miss u sm! (I’m late oof)
heyy,,, just wanted to check up on u and hope ur doing good! i’m writing this paragraph because i miss you sm.. you’re a great friend and a great supporter. you’ve always been there for me,, no matter what :) 💕 you’ve been one of my best friends on here and i’m sad to loose you🥺 I’ve bonded with you and i’m honestly so glad i meet a amazing person like you, i wish you good luck in the future, if you come back or not.. 💛 - 𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓪
( and expect more paragraphs of me bein sad & missin u lmxao )