Collage by CrashingWaters


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sorry it’s so late, thank you so much for waiting ❤️I haven’t written for a while but I felt really inspired by this challenge so I thought I’d give it a go. I know it’s not my best, but hope you enjoy it. Be critical, I’d love to hear what you think ❤️
sorry I didn’t end up getting around to reading this yesterday, I ended up busier than I thought! excited to read this!
wow right off the bat I’m loving the imagery of the first paragraph! so beautiful 🤯
the women sparkled like a box of jewels, love that too
I have a little critique for the second paragraph. the sentence about the challenge doesn’t completely make sense to me. I think the words slight and voices don’t connect right.
ask, I think it’s a little unclear from the two paragraphs mentioning Lucas whether or not he was a lover of the past or the present. maybe it’ll clear up as I keep reading, but maybe clarify with using past tense or present tense words?
each step weighed down by the imminence of my choice, love that line
one little small thing I’d say is that I don’t thing princesses are generally addressed as miss. unless he doesn’t know that she is a princess, if that’s the case than I ignore that 😂
such vivid and amazing descriptions of Sir Andrew! so good!
oooh! I love the ending! “I already knew what he was about to say.” THIS IS SO GOOD! I’m so glad that you entered! I really loved reading this! you are amazing at descriptions and I already love the characters in this! it’s super hard to find any critiques!