Some little kid will give you a crayon drawing again. A great boy will pull on his leash just to meet you again. The flowers pesty adults call weeds will grow in the cracks of your sidewalk again. The sun will turn the whole world yellow, soon. And I prom


Some little kid will give you a crayon drawing again. A great boy will pull on his leash just to meet you again. The flowers pesty adults call weeds will grow in the cracks of your sidewalk again. The sun will turn the whole world yellow, soon. And I prom

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Some kid will give you a crayon drawing again. A great boy will pull on his leash just to meet you again. The flowers pesty adults call weeds will grow in the cracks of your sidewalk again. The sun will turn the whole world yellow, soon. And I promise, there’s still sidewalk chalk someplace.
but why does this look so cool😍😍
I love the simplicity of it.
OMG thank you you’re so cute ☺️
and the same to you😌 it has been a minute, hasn’t it?😅 I hope you are doing well😊✨🌙
ur acc is beautiful
idk how much pirate commentary you read but thank you so much
I love this omg you should make like a magazine with like a few words and a bunch of your collages that would be SiCk
and super beautiful