SKrt SKrt


SKrt SKrt

3 0
oh my god. go away, no one wants to listen to you
who caressss she can post what she wants
just leave. use pic collage for its purpose and have fun!
i know you make valid points, but honestly you’re hurting more people than you’re helping. these “truth” and “exposing” accounts all have good points, but what’s the purpose? to make fun-life more creative? because I think that if she likes her account, then she can do whatever she wants. I understand the credit thing, and two of those collages are mine that you’re comparing her’s to. if I have a problem with her, I’ll take it up with her. but thank you anyways.
skrt skrt TEA
okay this is harsh...your points are valid, but you’re being really harsh to her. sure, she can be more original when it comes to collage styles-but this is not the way to express it. I think it’s fine as long as she gets credit and changes her own (original) style collages from time to time
it doesn’t even matter if we like it or not—it’s not anyone’s right to rant about her like that
well yeah but you don’t have to be featured to be popular
I actually can see that you are pretty right and these are rlly similar but there is no need for this