jake ❣️❣️


jake ❣️❣️

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heheh mineeee
ohhh stop ittt *grabs some towels and meets you downstairs
hi cute stuff *smilss and blushes as you do*
it uses? then I’m not getting in. *chuckles watching you
*bends down to the edge to fill the water*
ahh! that’s fxkn cold
Ima jump on you *liaghs
all for you my love x
*laughs and jumps in next to you
brrrrr *swims over and goes into your arms*
hehe I’m not dramatic 😧 *holds you close to me and smiles I hmmm ingo the sunset?
I’ve missed u sm omg
*laughs and swims with you
I miss you pretty girl
I’m here now
I miss you…
my babbbyyyy
cuz you e been gone :(((
yess *kisses your face then your lips* I missed you tooo much
*smiles and picks you up and squeezes you tightly
miss you baby
I need u
I miss you :(
baby :((( where have you been
*crawls into your arms and holds you close to me not letting go
*smiles and kisses your lips and your face also* I missed you so much you don’t even know
hmph :(
I’m being clingy I’m sorry….
hhehe I love you so much
ahaha wrong about it
*smiles as you do and blushes
aww no baby *pouts and holds you close to me* did you try eating something?
well maybe you should baby *frowns and brushes some of your hang out of your eyes
baby? :( I h8 this
umm,wrong account
what’s worng
I’mnot I just miss you… :(
no it’s ok
like what
yess :))
I miss u I’m tired of you leaving
Josi u still here?
why baby
I miss you a lot josi
Ik I just… idk if I’m gonna come back
cuz I just idk
please whst
but I need you here
idk josi
it’s just… your never here… and when you are it’s for like a day- a few hours and Ik I’m being selfish I just I miss you… a lot
anything for you bbay
Miss you