Collage by shoutouts_to_all_mateys


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who wants a shoutout?
me plzzzzzz my matey
me please mcmatey
hey I think it’s so nice of you to do this to people! I really respect and like that about you! 😜😁
😊 would you like a shoutout too?
can I have a shoutout? pretty please! β™₯️ I’d really appreciate it!
this is actually very generous of you!
you definitely deserve 1000000000 and wayyy more followers!πŸ‘πŸ»
plz i do
k I shall do my mcmateys
can I have a shoutout plz πŸ˜˜πŸ’–
yup my mcmatey
I’ll have to do it when I get back later so u won’t get a shoutout till then sorry ☹️
I would love a shoutout
if you give me one I will give you one
me please
ima do all urs in the mornin k but never fear you will have a shoutout
this is a cute idea I like it 😁❀️