This is pretty Long, read the last para for a basic summary :D


This is pretty Long, read the last para for a basic summary :D

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yes very true
this is something that I also hope most people would know
ugh gotta teach those boys some rEsPeCT
and plus tell her that the fish would’ve died for nothing then :/
I actually don’t eat fish bcs I used to keep seeing em eat each other in my tank and feel sick
and they’re expensive so I don’t have/ want fish
honestly I agree with u drawing is something not everyone can do and that’s because they haven’t had practice but to say that ppl can’t draw when they are trying to help others learn is just messed up they obviously had practice and care about others feelings that’s why they r teaching it
😂dabbing ... oh lord boys need to take several chill pills
I personally love fish but bones are annoying tho
PrEaCh 👏
well Cindy..
you now what you gotta do when someone dabs... YOU DOUBLE DAB BACK BOI
amEn 👏🏼
WOW!!!! AMEN, SISTER! preach on!😱✨🎉 so sorry that happened to you! I would be totally in shock at all of it as well!
wow I would’ve been too scared to tap their shoulder 😂 good for you though, you did the right thing! And when I read that he frickin dabbed I CRINGED. No way he’s a cool kid oml
also, I’ve been trying to draw for a VERY long time and when someone says anything like that (cough - my brothers -cough) it actually really hurts, especially if I liked the drawing before that
me: still dabs just for the fun of it and is really really scared of bones in my food. me, reading this: oh no.
also i really like to draw and when people degrade you for your ability without taking into account how much you tried it really hurts as well, so thank you for telling those kids
good on you for stepping up to those guys, I can’t stand people who think they’re cool but are actually just incredibly cringey/mean
also please don’t hate me jaja
💗💗💗that is all so true!
yes thank you preach 👏🏻❤️ how old were those boys that they’re still dabbing and being immature like that? It really is a struggle to improve your drawing, and they had no right to be making comments like that. that was rlly brave tapping their shoulder, I wouldn’t have been able to do that ❤️😂 usually I have no problems with bones in my food (like i’ll still eat it without being picky) but I used to be super anti-anything with bones in it
some people have a hard time appreciating things in their life, so thanks for the 2nd paragraph ❤️
this is all so true omggg
ty for telling those kids off :)
so true!! the first story angers me just thinking of it lol but you definitely did the right thing💖💕
i truly agree with this!