i stole this from leah but i just wanna give y’all a sh^tty life update in the comments uhhh don’t read it lol


i stole this from leah but i just wanna give y’all a sh^tty life update in the comments uhhh don’t read it lol

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okay y’all it’s been a month since both of my dogs died and i wish i could tell you guys that things have gotten better but they haven’t :))))) i still cry myself to sleep almost every night and it hurts like hèll and i feel like i should be getting better but i’m not and my whole family is a lot better but then there’s me who’s still acting like it happened yesterday and i feel really sh^tty and it sûcks a lot and every time i come home from school and i walk through the door it’s like a fûcking stab in the heart cuz i used to run to my dogs whenever i got home and i’d give them lots of hugs and kisses and oh god i would literally do anything to go back in time and fix everything cuz i miss them so gôddàmn much and i’m so sorry for being so depressing this is kinda why i’ve been avoiding social media i’ve just been such a mess and i’m so dramatic i’m sorry i really really really wish i could tell y’all i’m getting better but i’m not ahahkskkskjshshj fûck fûck fûck
i know there’s not really anything y’all can do to help and that really sûcks so i feel bad for putting all this sh^t on you and you can’t do anything about it i’m sorry i’m sorry ahjskskk
i can’t believe i’ll have to spend christmas and my bday without my dogs ahahhshk and wE ONLY HAD MAXWELL FOR A YEAR AND A HALF THATS NOT FÛCKING FAIR oh gOd
my memories of lassie are starting to fade like i forget how her fur felt when i hugged her and i forget what her bark sounded like and oh god it makes me so fûcking sad i can’t even explain it
y’all i don’t know who i am without my dogs i loved them with my whole entire heart and not having any pets is so fûcking depressing how do y’all deal with this
i need to shut up jesus i’m so sorry
uhh u said not to read it but i did oops ): it breaks my heart just reading this )): i lost my dog when i was 9/10 and i loved him with all of my heart.,, they’re so easy to confide in and love and it feels so awful when they’re gone .. honestly i never really “dealt” with it, i was really depressed for quite some time but life goes on and all i can do now is appreciate the memories i had with him, trying to focus on the happiness he gave me instead of the sadness that i felt when he was gone
im sorry you feel like this and i know i cant really help but im here for u (:
hey hey don’t apologize for all that ^ it’s perfectly fine to not feel fine and things will get better with time. your emotions and feelings right now are completely validated and I hurt so much for you. I wish I could take that pain away. I hope that you can focus on the good memories you had with them and be able to be positive. all the love 💞
i didn’t lose two dogs in one month, but i did lose two dogs in three years (two school years) i know i’ve told you before about how my puppy accidentally hung himself my freshman year and we had to give away my other dog two months ago during my current junior year. it’s okay to grieve. i grieved more for my puppy because he didn’t deserve it than i did my other dog because he would attack people and it was best that we gave him away (even if they probably put him down) it’s okay. you’re grieving process just might take a longer time than everyone else. my cousin’s mom (so my mom’s sister and my aunt) passed away from a heart attack when my cousin was a baby so she never got to properly grieve when it happened. she’s starting to now and even though she has a stepmom that she calls her mom because she came around a little after that (and such a sweet lady omg) my cousin still feels upset when she sees my sisters and I with our own mom our her friends with their moms. we take her to the cemetery sometimes to visit her grave and I hate to see how broken she is. but there’s nothing I can do to change it. she can make a change to better herself from the situation and so can you. 💛
hey it’s ok to vent when ur not feeling good!! we’re always here for you and we love you so much. i wish i could say something to make your situation better but agh i don’t really know what you’re going through so all i can do is be here for you and i hope that’s enough 💛💛💛
awh I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way :( you don’t have to apologize at all because it’s completely normal to still be grieving, even if everyone else seems to have moved on. everyone deals with things in their own way so just take your time and take care of yourself. you’re so strong and I know you can get through this, just remember that we’re always here for you and that things will get better soon 💜💜
Hey, you're feelings are valid and you have no reason to be sorry for ranting. I'm sorry your dogs died, I would say it gets better with time, but I honestly don't know. But I do hope things get better for you 💚💚💚
And hey, if you ever want to vent or need anything, you can always dm me know Instagram, or leave me a comment here
i hope u get better friend ❤️❤️ if theres an afterlife i could guarentee u that ur dogs r waiting for u up there. but if there isnt. think of them just finally sleeping and resting. its ok that ur sad and im not saying dont be sad. im saying itll pass and when it does it will hurt but a little less. and thats all we can ask for. for it to hurt less every day
hey don’t apologize,, I hope everything gets better and it’s sucks I lost my dog and I started forgetting things abt him but it rlly gets better and it’s okay that u feel that way,, I just hope everything gets better soon hun, u r so strong 💕💕💕
Do. Not. Apologize
Oops that sent too early
Do not apologize for your emotions!!!!!
I know how much that hurts friend, I lost my German Shepherd that I loved after just three years and it was absolutely heartbreaking. I remember how empty the house felt, how much I cried on her birthday, my dad telling me that eventually I wouldn't feel so sad anymore and thinking that I never wanted to stop being sad because that means I had moved on and I didn't want to move on. Just know that your pain and grief are so very valid, and give yourself time to heal. Hold onto pictures and memories, cry and vent when you need to, and know that you are not alone. Sending hugs and prayers. 💙
You don't have to apologize for how you feel, it's completely valid!! Pet's become such an integral part of our lives and I know from experience how devastating it can be when they're gone. People deal with stuff like this in different ways, so it's normal that you're still dealing with grief. My guinea pig died a couple of weeks back and it still makes wanna curl up and cry when I think about it to hard. Give yourself the time and space to heal. I hope things get better 💜