Collage by no-ah


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handsome man 😩🤤😘😍
*holds Tyler * how old is he again
*smiles* you are so handsome just like your daddy
good morning handsome I hope you have a great day today
you’re welcome and my kids are now your kids *smiles*
*smiles and kisses you back* what shall we do my girls are with their dads
cookies, movie and cuddles
Good Morning baby I hope you have a great day
sounds good to me baby what movie do you want to watch
Elvis *smiles at you and jinx rubs against you* are you allergic to cats or dogs
Noah I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do it I cheat on you I was drunk and shouldn’t have done it and I understand if you don’t want me anymore and I’m sorry that I put single on my bio I did it because I feel like you won’t want me after what I did