I found GIF‘s that match my aesthetic <3


I found GIF‘s that match my aesthetic <3

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Sorry I haven’t been posting much…I’ve been so busy and so stressed with homework and school and just stuff and I’ve kinda been scrambling around and I haven’t had time to post or think about what to post that would make good content for y’all
But I am now on spring break and will be for the rest of this week, so I’m chillin and taking it slow! I hope you guys are doing well and let me know if you are open to doing collab! And please consider checking out my other acc Artist–Blob
Remix this collage and put gifs that match YOUR aesthetic!
We can definitely collaborate and the ideas for cottage core and sky are really cool.
I will make the chat page for our collab
Chat page is up for our collaboration.
Added some ideas to our chat page