I'm so sorry:( 💜


I'm so sorry:( 💜

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i’m so so sorry omg :( it’s so sad to see you go! thanks for the s/o and everything else, you’re such a kind person who is so so talented!! i hope everything gets better for you during your break and i hope to see you on pc again <3💓💓
aw meg i’m going to miss you so much, but I hope this break will help you heal and make great grades!! i’m always here if you need to pop back on and talk for a bit 🩷
awwww Meg!!! I’m going to miss you so much, your kind, sweet personality always brightens my day and the talent you project into your collages really inspires me. take this time to heal and recover lovely, I’m always here for you if you ever need. 🫶
I’m doing well thank you. I really hope this new person brings you a lot of happiness. it’s so sad to see you go but enjoy Meg! 🩷
aww Meg I’m going to miss you. you have inspired me a lot. And you are so nicest and kindest follower I have.
aww I'm so sad you're leaving:( but I completely understand that, take the time you need🫶 hope you're doing better soon and I would love to see your stunning collages again in near future<3
awww, I’m going to miss you so much :( I hope you’re doing great! I will love to see your collages in the future again 🩷💕💖🫶🏻💓
I wish you the best luck! 💓💖💕
awe I'll miss you, hope you come back soon <3
omg I miss you so much :(
of course <33 and i’m okay atm!!! how about you?💞💞
OMG MEG HEYY🫶🫶 I missed you so much, how are you doing lovely? and thank you so much!
I missed you so much
how are you meg? :)
hey there! (sorry for the copy and paste) The Pic Collage Awards 2023 began this summer, but unfortunately the results were never published. So I decided to hold such awards in the last month of this year: december! there are various awards for different types of collages & collagers - come check out my account for more information and vote please! :)
heyy meg, are you doing okay?? miss u !!
OMG OMG MEG !! i missed you terribly, how are you doing girly ?? getting this message from you really brightened my day omg !! & THANK YOU, you're so sweet ♡ yess please come back & don't worry about being inactive, we all understand 🫶🫶
2024 has been amazing like idk how to describe it. I finally decided to carpe diem and omw meg it was so worth it- i’ve made a few friends and I have a crush whom everyone thinks likes me back:))))))) how’s 2024 for you dear?? what’s been up?? i’ve missed you so much!!!!!
and omg i’ve missed you
YOURE SO SWEET 😭😭🩷i’ve been like so inactive omg
i’ve been okay but very very busy !!!:// hbu🤍
AHH THANK YOU MEG!! it’s been so long, how are you?
i’m currently on spring break!! but sadly it ends this week 💔💔
oohhh what are your plans?! honestly spring break sucks for me bc our family is so busy and can’t do anything ahaha
aww no girl you are the sweetest !! my spring break started last week & my grandparents are here for a few days.. i love spending time with them <33 what are your plans ?? how long is your spring break btw ?? & yess that would be so cool !!🤭🤭
OMG HI <3 how are you? No worries, I'm not very active on here too :) I'd love to see your amazing collages on here again though!!!
I have the best friends now!! and his name is Tim… I met him in december and his mom took me to the youth group he goes to and now I have friends :D he’s two months four days younger than me. he’s dutch, is like 6’5”, has curly dark brown hair, glasses, and beautiful brown eyes… we’ve texted every single day since he got my number :D
I only come on like twice a week these days so i’m sorry 😭 but my day has been good!! my friend jonny and I spent most of the afternoon roasting each other on the big group chat and I changed his contact name to older brother :D how’s your week been dear??
THANK YOU!! aww that’s nice! I’m doing good, I’m currently on vacation lol. how was your week?
awww tysm💗🥹
I hope he and I get together as well 😭 these past few days i’ve been trying to be as good a friend as I can be since he’s having a difficult time atm and he knows I like him so I thought I might accidentally do something to make it awkward but I think he understood ♥️
my weeks been alright! busy haha! helped with kids a lot this week. tomorrow my sisters are playing with Tim’s sisters and I hope I can spend some time with him because the poor child has done nothing but sit around worrying for like three days. hopefully I can <3 i’ll see him tomorrow night at youth group as well and i’m just kinda praying that the family he’s staying with will offer to let me stay and keep him company until my mom comes to drop his sisters back off<3
hope you come back Meg
I miss you so much