Thank you for all the support since December 1st. Follow my main account PhilsEyelash-. We are very sad here at ALDCmagazine. We may hopefully be back on April 1st for the March issue.


CLICK HERE PLEASE Thank you for all the support since December 1st. Follow my main account PhilsEyelash-. We are very sad here at ALDCmagazine. We may hopefully be back on April 1st for the March issue.

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And special thanks to @CutieSuppliesMarket for cooperating to make a lot of this magazine possible! We hope you all can understand our decision. It really came down to credit and inactivity. We figured there are many magazines out there now, why make one. We did not post the December issue because there were so many magazines around that time that it sucked all of the creativity and courage out of us. We would of continued if we had of gotten credit, but it's alright life isn't fair and we must all acknowledge that. Thank you again from everyone here at ALDCmagazine.
aw I'm sry😭 that's what happened to both CDC and CSM😒 also thanks💕😘
😭😭😭I'm so upset!!! I will really miss this❤